Digital Citizenship

Digital Citizenship

New for 2023-2024 - this school year, our PLNs are being custom tailored to best meet identified topic and PL models identified by you on our PL survey.

Our team is currently contacting those who identified as being interested in leading or co-leading a PLN group. If you are interested in being part of our Digital Citizenship PLN, please indicate that on the survey or reach out directly to ProLearn.

We look forward to sharing the Digital Citizenship PLN leads and next steps with you in December, 2023!

One more opportunity! Have you considered our Book Chat? Technology's Child: Digital Media’s Role in the Ages and Stages of Growing Up by Dr. Katie Davis is one of the books on the table for our communities to explore - if you are interested in finding through-lines in the world of digital citizenship education, connect with our community in a book chat. Register here!