Summer Time at GEG Alberta
Enjoy your summer holidays! Relax and rejuvenate!
Watch for emails in August for our fall sessions.
Lunch & Learn! 12:15 - 12:45pm - every second Tuesday
Join us for short sessions on a variety of topics.
Online Workshops - Last Thursday of each month from 4-5pm!
Come join us for one-hour hands-on sessions focusing on different Google tools and skills. Each month's session participants will determine the next month's topic. These sessions will take place in Google Meet to allow full participation!
If you watch any of the Lunch & Learn sessions, please fill out the short feedback survey!
This will help in planning next year's events and topics. Thank you.
June 11, 2024: Cleaning up your Google Classroom
May 21, 2024: Gmail tools and hidden features
April 23, 2024: NEW Google Features
April 9, 2024: NEW Google Classroom Features
March 26, 2024: Chrome Browser and Tab Management
January 30, 2024: Launch Party
If you watch any of the Online Workshop sessions, please fill out the short feedback survey!
This will help in planning next year's events and topics. Thank you.
May 30, 2024: Diving into Google Sheets (slidedeck)
April 25, 2024: Google Forms: beginner to advanced - (slidedeck)
CELEBRATE the world of Google for Education in Alberta - alive and well and thriving and excited to level us all up as we together share our passion for all things Googley!
Join our GEG lead Memorese Walter for quick announcements, prizes, and more as we launch GEG Alberta on Facebook January 30 - Click here!
Join our GEG Alberta's Facebook group! Click here!
Let us know you're here to learn and share your expertise! Click here!
We all know that across our great province there lies SO MUCH expertise across Google platforms and applications - yet we are so focused within our districts that it's hard to see beyond those borders. We're excited to have the opportunity now to stretch ourselves beyond those borders in new community together to support each other - and those across our districts who we aim, as a collective, to raise up as well. Come and be part of this new initiative networking with our Google ET/IT/SIS/administrative assistant leaders from across the province and our friends at Google! Share the Facebook page across YOUR networks and let's grow this inclusive community together.
We are excited to see how our future unfolds!