
Calling all eSports enthusiasts, teams and eSports Summit attendees!

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ATLE is delighted to support the Alberta eSports Championship hosted by the Lethbridge School Division on May 3 and 4 in Lethbridge, Alberta. Jesse Sadlowski and his team have done an amazing job putting together a high level tournament for students to participate in.

You don't have to be a player to go and participate!

In conjunction with the eSports tournament, the High Level Innovation Conference is taking place! 

Explore a diverse display of gaming and eSports, emerging tech, trades, and tourism, and seek relevant opportunities throughout Southern Alberta and beyond.

ATLE has 100 conference passes up for grabs for ATLE members! Contact Lea to claim yours today!


New for 2023-2024 - this school year, our PLNs are being custom tailored to best meet identified topic and PL models identified by you on our PL survey.

Our team is currently contacting those who identified as being interested in leading or co-leading a PLN group. If you are interested in being part of our Esports PLN, please indicate that on the survey or reach out directly to ProLearn.

We look forward to sharing the Esports PLN leads and next steps with you in December, 2023!

In the meantime, have you considered our Book Chat? The Esports Education Playbook is on the table for our communities to explore - whether you're new to esports or wanting to grow the esports community in Alberta! Register here!